Master Kwan Yan and her millennium exceptional creation on horse painting. ‘Olympics in Arts’ horse painting poetry and Chinese calligraphy in combination are interpreted at the very highest level of scholarship.
Master Kwan Yan and her millennium exceptional creation on horse painting. ‘Olympics in Arts’ horse painting poetry and Chinese calligraphy in combination are interpreted at the very highest level of scholarship.
世界最長水墨百駿圖 53×1metre
Heavenly horses in 2008 Beijing Olympics
The World’s Longest Scroll of One Hundred Horses in Chinese Ink Monochrome by Kwan Yan

53 metre×1metre
“The Eight Olympic Lucky Horses”
The horse are painted in different actions such as in the Olympic equestrian sports events like dressage, show jumping and eventing.
馬術是人類和馬一種天衣無縫的合作,此合作令馬兒從自然動態中昇華,表現出更優美和諧的動作。在「奧運八駿匯吉祥」的畫組,畫家選出古今名駒八匹:香港名賽馬‘精英大師’,台灣著名障礙賽馬‘Big Boy’,古希臘亞歷山大帝的座騎‘Bucephalus’,法國拿破崙的愛將‘Marengo’,三國時代劉備的愛駒‘的顱’,關公的‘赤兔馬’,張飛的‘玉追’及清乾隆皇的寶馬‘紅玉座’,用狂草筆法描繪出八種馬術的優美動態,鬣尾生風,奔放傳神,使觀者有如親臨奧運會場,欣賞到馬術的迷人風采。
的盧 Di Lu

馬術障礙賽(Show jumping)
水中的障礙(clearing the water jump)是障礙賽路程中的一部份,參賽馬兒需要跳過ㄧ個水池2至4米寬(6 1/2 ~ 13 ft),大概水深為100~150mm (4 ~ 6 in)
Di Lu
Di Lu was the horse of Liu Bei at the time of the three kingdoms (220-280 AD). He got his name because of his white stripe face marking. He demonstrated his bravery with a jump across the river Tang See to save his master from the chase of his enemies.
Show jumping is a relative newcomer to equestrian sport. The first official jumping competition was held in Dublin in 1864 but the sport did not become accepted by the Olympic games until 1912.
The horse and rider have to work as a team to jump across 12-14 obstacles, 1.4m-1.6m high, including single fence, combination fences and also water jump, within a limited time. The water jump form a part of the show-jumping course. The water spread is not usually wider than 2-4m and abort 100-150mm deep.
In this painting Kwan Yan through her grass-script brush work reflects the jumping horse during the moment of suspension, all four legs are clear of the ground and it is apparently suspended in the air, the horse’s eyes keep looking ahead showing bravery and determination, a symbol of the Olympic games.
紅玉座 Hong Yu Zuo

高級的盛裝舞步(Advanced Dressage)
快步速換腳(Flying change)
Hong Yu Zuo
Hong Yu Zuo was one of the ten gallant stallions of the emperor Chein Lun His Royal Highness was a great lover for horses. He wrote poetry on his horses and asked the court artist like Long Shinning to paint portraitures of them.
Dressage is one of the most important elements of equestrian sports. The general principles of dressage date back to the ancient Greeks, but modern dressage has its roots in the Renaissance. Dressage was first included at the Olympic Games in 1912. The rider and the horse seek a perfect coordination and cooperation such that the horse are extended to a refined and graceful performance in dressage.
In the Olympic Games dressage competition are performed in an arena of 20×60 metre. The competitors and their horse are required to execute different sets of dressage trial under FEI rules.
In the painting Hong Yu Zuo is performing the ‘passage’ a slow elevated trot, with the forehand being raised and hindquarters being strongly collected. There is a clear moment of ‘floating’ when passage is performed which makes the horse appear to be in slow motion.
精英大師 Silent Witness

Silent witness
The owner of the famous ‘Silent witness’ is the Managing Director of Jet. Speed Air Cargo Forwarders (HK) Ltd Arthur Antonio da Silva. This legendary horse made his 17th consecutive win on April 24, 2005 in the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Cup which takes him past the record established by the American horse ‘Cigar’ , Mr. da Silva owned four horses but ‘Silent Witness’ is his marvelous hero. He said that this horse is a symbol for HK.
In this painting Silent witness is galloping at his fastest speed. The maximum speed for a thoroughbred is about 48 km per hour.
Mounted horses racing appeared as early as 644 BC at the Olympic Games. It remained as a sports for the nobilities. Not until the 18th & 19th centuries horse racing became a popular sports. The English Jockey Club was founded in 1750 and famous race tracks are Doncaster, Epsom and Newmarket. The American Jockey Club dates back to 1893. Kentucky is the center of thoroughbred breeding and racing.
Big Boy

Big Boy 是台灣馬術界著名的一匹德國障礙賽馬,第一位主人是澳美佳馬術俱樂部負責人陳讚聲先生,從比利時把它買回台灣的馬場訓練,現主人是傳播界鄭志翔先生,但每天照顧與訓練仍是陳先生。Big Boy身高187公分,體重750公斤,性情溫馴,最擅長是障礙賽,高度是1.4米以上,2000年度拿下全國運動會個人及團體金牌。
畫家以速感十足的狂草筆法,描繪Big Boy在進行障礙賽中高跳的英姿,馬兒毫不畏懼,一躍而過的神態,肌肉與四肢的配合,把瞬間的爆發力表露無遺。速感是繪馬藝術最重要及最困難的元素。
Big Boy
Big Boy is a good show jumper with a German origin. His height is 187 cm and weight 750 kg. He is well care of and trained by his owner Mr. Chan Zhi Sing.
In 2000 Big Boy won his gold medal in individual and team competition in Taiwan.
With the skillful handling of the free and expressive grass script brushwork the artist makes it perfect for capturing the take off moment of Big Boy during a high jump! Such is her expertise that we can almost feel the wind lifting its mane and tail.
赤兔 Ci Tui

赤兔正在進行馬術中著名動作─地面騰躍步(Airs Above The Ground )中的Levade就是以後肢站立於地面,身體呈45度角向前傾斜,這需要驚人的力氣與平衡才辦得到。
Ci Tui
In Chinese ‘Ci’ means red and ‘Tui’ means a rabbit. Ci Tui was a powerful stallion with (Bay)reddish coat and ran as fast as a rabbit. His tall and strong conformation enabled him to travel with ease in very tough environment. When he roared the sound echoed from the sky into the sea. He was first the horse of Lui Bo but later when Lui Bo was defeated Ci Tui became the horse of Guan Kung.
Kwan Yan specialise in painting horses She not only portrayed the equine but give it a breath of life. The spectator can feel the vibration of the high pitched whinnying of Ci Tui. Also the tremendous muscular activity as he rears. In nature horses may rear if startled. They also rear in play and as a way of displaying their dominant qualities. However in the Spanish Riding School in Vienna established in 1729 Lipizzaner stallions are trained to perform top levels of dressage in this rearing position. In Levade the horse under the demand of the rider deeply bends its hind legs, rears up with the forehand off the ground and remains still just like the posture of Ci Tui in this painting.

Bulcephalus (Ox head)- The horse and intimate partner of Alexander the Great(365-323 BC)together they conquered two million square miles of the ancient world. Alexander had won his horse by demonstrating as a twelve-year-old boy, that he could control and ride this grown stallion that was regarded as dangerously unmanageable. Bulcephalus remained Alexander’s equine companion, campaigning as far as the Indian Subcontinent, and died, aged about thirty after the Battle of Hydaspes (in modern Pakistan). Alexander founded the city of Bucephala (now lost) in his memory.
Painters and sculptors of the past and present have tried different methods to bring this semi-divine creature to life. KwanYan is the first artist to use free style brushwork of grassscript and Chinese ink to reflect successfully the dashing power of Bulcephalus so intensified by the dynamic swirling mane and tail of the horse, as he carried his master through the various victorious warfares.
Another top level dressage performance is Courbette which starts off as the levade but the horse then make a number of springs forward without the forelegs touching the ground, just as what Bulcephalus is doing in this painting.
玉追 Yu Zhui

西部式騎術 western riding
畫中玉追表現出疾馳中的靈活性與技能性,這是西部式騎術比賽Pole Bending 中所考驗馬兒的技能,在比賽場地以7米距離放置6支等距木桿,人與馬疾馳其間而不得將木桿推倒,失誤者便得罰分。
Yu Zhui
Yu Zhui was the horse of Cheng Fei, the hero during the Three Kingdoms. Both of them were well known for their courage and speed.
Western riding
The cattle industry grew rapidly in North America during the nineteenth century. This was the world of the true cowboys on the ranches who tended, branded and drove the cattle to market under tough conditions. This was how the western style of riding was born. Though western riding is not included in the Olympic Games, it has become a very popular equestrian sports. There are competitions of different element like horsemanship trials speed games and working classes.
In this painting Yu Zhui is running at a fast speed during the pole bending. This is a game that test the speed and maneuverability of a horse. Six poles stand in a straight line about 7 m apart. Rider and horse must ride through at shortest time without knocking down the poles. Have you felt the gush of rushing wind behind Yu Zhui?
凌高 Marengo

Marengo是拿破崙(Napoleon The Great )最愛的坐騎,是一匹美麗的阿拉伯馬,卻非常勇敢與忠心,在許多戰役中牠為主人搏鬥而受傷。
Marengo的步法是盛裝舞步的Meduim trot 中快步,屬比賽中第一回合的基本舞步。
Napoleon had 130 riding horses, Marengo was his favorite. A white Arabian horse bought from Egypt in 1799 at age of 6. In 1800 he fought at the Battle of Marengo and was named after this battle. At battles in 1806, 1809 he was wounded 8 times. Marengo was very courageous and faithful to his master. At the Battle of Waterloo he was captured and brought back to England and lived up to age of 38.
In this painting the artist uses the fluent lines of grass script brush work and the changing tone of Chinese ink to portray a relaxed rapport of the beautiful Marengo.
The gait he is posing is the Medium trot.
龍駒 Long Ju (Dragon Horse)
“The Eight Lucky Dragon Horses in the Olympics”