《花王圖 曉歲牡丹》(局部) 絹本 重彩設色 100cm×51cm 1988


關 仁 GUAN REN(KWAN YAN) 水墨神筆,騏驥千里於詩書畫世界 國際著名書畫大師,構成關仁的主要元素是醫生、詩人、書畫巨匠、中國最具影響力藝術大師、詩書畫合一創作大師、狂草馬書畫及中國超象派畫法始創人、考古收藏家。譜寫出一位大藝術家多姿多采、多元化的人生。 字子石,號子石硯齋主人,1950年香港出生,祖籍廣東南海西樵,1975年畢業於香港大學醫學系內外科醫學士,從服務多年的醫界進入藝術界。自幼展現藝術才華,多次獲校際首獎,科學與藝術同步成就,主張科學融入藝術,創新點亮傳統。 現任中國藝術交流協會理事,狂草馬畫廊總監,中國藝術研究會理事,中國藝術交流協會藝術顧問,中國名家藝術品收藏協會理事,中國收藏家協會會員,台灣藝術行政暨管理學會會員

2014年11月28日 星期五

關仁大師英文簡介(2014最新完整版)About the Artist – A Brief Introduction Master Kwan Yan

關仁大師榮獲2012年度中國最具影響力藝術大師榮譽稱號,並獲頒獎牌一面。Master Kwan Yan has been awarded.“The most influential great Master of Art in the year 2012”Award by the Chinese Art Exchange Association for outstanding contributions and achievements in traditional and creative Chinese Art.
關仁大師龍年富春合璧書畫展2012 Master Kwan Yan at the Exhibition of “Fu Chun Shan Sceneries hand scroll by Master Kwan Yan”in the Year of the Dragon

Master Kwan Yan at the Exhibition of “ The Origin of the Chinese Blue and White Porcelain.”in 2012
關仁大師中國青花瓷起源的探索展 中國青花瓷雙源頭釉下藍()彩及釉下褐()Y字型二合一的發展線

 Master Kwan Yan was interviewed by Beijing Jun Lan TV Broadcasting Company in the〈Interview of A Great Artist〉at Beijing 2010
Mr Lin Woon Kwong (Chief Executive Officer 2008 Beijing Olympics Equestrian sports in H.K.)and Master Kwan Yan at the Art Gallery in Shatin Town Hall for the exhibition of The World’s Longest scroll of 100 horses” by Kwan Yan

2002德國海德堡大學 中國藝術研究所 雷德侯教授(Professor Lothar Ledderose)收藏「飲馬圖」                                        135×69 cm
University of Heidelberg Germany Institute of History of Arts “Drinking Horse”  
澳洲皇家內科學院院長Professor Napier Thomson

Professor Kindwall and Master Kwan Yan at the Inkstone studio

Artist and her trustful friend …

Hong Kong Inkstone Studio, Master Kwan Yan and her collections 

Kwan Yan 關仁關潔愉醫生 Dr Kwan Kit Yu 1950-

Also named “Ji Shek” and sometimes referred to as “master of ink-stone-studio”
Born in Hong Kong with origin from Canton, Guang Dong, Nam Hai, Xi qiao, China. Being excellently competent in Chinese painting, writing poetry, and in calligraphy particularly outstanding in the extraordinary grass-script style. Diligent in research and rich in antique collection, Kwan Yan is a typical scholarly Artist, since childhood started to learn pencil sketching, water colour painting, Chinese ink-monochrome, and poster colour painting. Became winner of Inter High Schools competition in creative arts.
1975Graduated from the Medical School, The University of Hong Kong with degrees of M.B.B.S.
1976Hong Kong Government Medical officer in the Medical and Health Department.

1977Married to DR. K. P. YAU FAFOEM,RACP. being an Expert in Hyperbaric Medicine & Diving Medicine, as chief Occupational Physician for the Construction of Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway work in compressed-air projects.
1979Started own private clinics in Hong Kong and Kowloon.
Honoured by own uncle Mr. Au Wai Sum, Justice of Peace, Hong Kong by presenting a tablet engraved “Virtuous skills with virtuous heart” since then Dr Kwan Kit Yu adopted the engraved word “Yan” to use as painter’s name with the belief that good virtues should be the norm of life. Often touring Japan, Korea, Philippines, America, Canada, for field painting works holding that Nature is the natural inspiring teacher.
1985Relocated to Taipei, Taiwan.

Becoming professional painter.
Often visited National Palace Museum Taipei to study in depth its rich treasure of important ancient Chinese Paintings. Cumulating in immense advancement both in skills and creative abilities. While capable of adopting merits of many masters of the past and with integrations of Chinese and Western paintings and together with own 30 years experience in painting, evolved into own distinctive style.
Capable of producing with magnificient brush works in Chinese ink delicate and harmonious landscape paintings. Stylized portrait paintings executed with high caliber features, revealed the masterly character of the subjects. Succeeded in establishing own style “Horse painting using grass-script brush work” –now widely known as “Kwan Yan Horses.” or “Kuang Cao Ma”  
Integrating the three elements namely the poetry, calligraphy and painting into one painting is the distinctive style of the artist.
1991Grand Solo Exhibition of Chinese Paintings in Taipei.
Exhibits included Kuang Cao Ma, landscape paintings, portraitures, flower-paintings, extraordinary grass-script calligraphy. This exhibition was highly regarded. Famous painters including Li Chi Mau, Liou Shiou Ping also honoured the occasion.
Mr. Colin D. Sheaf, Director of Christie’s Chinese Arts Department commented that Dr. Kwan’s landscape paintings bore a striking resemblance to that of the famous late – Qing painter Pu Shin-Yu possessing scholarly character. The Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Water-Colour Painting Association Mr. Chan Kar Yi remarked that Dr. Kwan Yan had a highly sensitive vision in Arts.
At that time Republic of China President Li Dun Fei pronounced the extraordinary achievement of the Artist and congratulated the artist’s great fame and success among the overseas Chinese.
President Li had selected to be included in his collection the Double-horse Painting “The Arrival of the Noble Horses”. Senator of the Legislative Yuen Dr Hung Tung Kwei selected the water-colour Lotus Painting “Lotus with Calligraphy”
Dr Lam Tai Hing, the Vice –Dean of the Hong Kong University Medical School, selected the “Summer Fragrance”.
Kwan Yan’s paintings are highly appreciated by connoisseurs in Hong Kong, Taiwan, America and Canada.
立法委員洪冬桂博士收藏墨荷一幅。“Lotus with Calligraphy”

香港大學公共衛生學院院長林大慶醫生收藏荷香凝夏“Summer Fragrance”

1991台灣總統  李登輝先生收藏     「飛黃則至」
President of Taiwan President Lee Dung Fei “Arrival of the Noble Horses” 123×95 cm

1992Published Personal Painting Album “Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy by Kwan Yan
1993“Chinese Painting and Calligraphy by Kwan Yan” was indexed and assessed by the National Central Library Taipei.
      Index NumberNo.941.5.846
1994Operated the Kwan Yan Ink Stone Studio and actively researched in poetry, calligraphy, Chinese paintings, Seal-script carving in order to foster creative spirit. Research on the origin of Bule & White Porcelains in China.
      Kwan Yan collected ancient Chinese Ink Stones and other Chinese artifacts.
Studio collection included over one hundred ancient ink-stones of various ages and over one hundred ancient porcelains of various ages.
1996Started to create the long painting “The one hundred Horses By Kwan Yan” in Chinese ink monochrome.
Started to write “Poetry Album By Kwan Yan”
1998Started to write “Catalogue of the Collection of Chinese ink-stones in Kwan Yan Ink-stone studio”
2000香港大學收藏   「千里良駒」Hong Kong University   94×181 cm

2002Publication of “Poetry Album By Kwan Yan”
Which is a splendid assortment of poetry and paintings by Kwan Yan.
Grand Exhibition of the “The World’s Longest scroll of 100 horses” by Kwan Yan in Chinese ink monochrome 53 Meter
× 1 Meter (176.3 × 3.13 ft2) in the Art Gallery, Arts Department, The National Taiwan Normal University Taipei.
國立臺灣師範大學美術系師大畫廊展出世界最長水墨百駿圖—“關仁百駿圖 “The World’s Longest scroll of 100 horses” by Kwan Yan in Chinese ink monochrome 53 Meter × 1 Meter (176.3 × 3.13 ft2) 

The Exhibition was high lighted by the presentation of a Giant Flower Trophy by the Mayor of Taipei City, Mr. Ma Ying Jeou. Mayor also praised “Elegant Horse with Calligraphy” and selected into his collection the Kuang Cao Ma horse-painting “The arrival of the Horse of Success.”

Professor Lothar Ledderose, the Institute of History of Arts, the University of Heidelberg, Germany commented Kwan Yan’s horse paintings “Inspiring and wonderful work.” And Professor Ledderose selected into his collection the Horse Painting  “The Drinking Horse.” in ink monochrome. During the exhibition many distinguished academic guests turned up. Professor Jiang Ming Sheng head of the Arts Department, the Taiwan National Normal University, Professor Huang Yau Chun and Professor Lau Wen Tam also of the Arts Department, Professor She Cheng, former senior researcher in Chinese Paintings The National Palace Museum Taipei, and also the visiting researcher in Traditional Chinese Painting of the Department of Ancient Chinese Painting, the National Palace Museum, Beijing. Professor Zhang Bo Zhou, head of Institute of Design, the Taiwan National Normal University and Professor Ye Bao Qian of the same department honoured the occasion and all commented favourably. This exhibition had not only successfully attracted large number of spectators including experts, artists, Arts teachers, scholars, painters, research-students, students and noble citizens but also created a focus of attention and appreciation in the painting circle.
Using unprecedented grass-script brush strokes and techniques vividly portrayed 100 horses in various activities and forms and the vigorous lifeful forms of these magnificant horses were vividly displayed and coming to life beyond the paper surface.
The difficulty in making such a remarkable achievement was fully recognized by Horse Painters and consequently the term “KWAN YAN HORSE” was coined to signify its uniqueness.

2002台灣總統  馬英九先生收藏    「馬到成功」                95×182 cm
President of Taiwan President Ma Ying Jeou  “Arrival of The Horse of Success”   

2003Painting Album and Poetry Album were indexed and assessed by the Chinese University Of Hong Kong Library.
      Started to write “A treatise on identification and appreciation of Yuan, Zhi Zheng type of Blue and White porcelains”.
Collections of mounted horizontal strip tablet in Grass-script Calligraphy.
Cardio Special Veterinary Teaching Hospital Director Dr Yong Wei Hungdong wu fu xing
Wei Feng Tang Chinese Stationery & Art Gallery Taipeihui ran ru feng
Le Xue Book Store le xue she ju
臺灣專心動物醫院院長洪榮偉醫師收藏動物福星草書一幅dong wu fu xing 
蕙風堂筆墨有限公司收藏惠然儒風狂草書法一幅hui ran ru feng

臺北樂學書局收藏樂學書局匾額一幅le xue she ju

2004Mr. Lin Jin Chairman of the National People’s Party (KMT) selected into his collection the Horse Painting, “Double Horses” in ink monochrome.
2004台灣副總統 連戰先生收藏 「雙馬圖」   95×182
Vice President of Taiwan Mr. Lin Jin “Arrival of The Horse of Success” 

2005Publication of the “The World’s Longest Scroll of 100 Horses by Kwan Yan
     xin lin ban jia30 years in the Medic Circle Hong Kong Medic 75’ anniversary book edited by DR. Chan Wai Man Deputy Director of Health Services Hong Kong cover design and Calligraphy by Kwan Yan
2006Visited ART MUSEUM the Chinese University of Hong Kong met Mr. Gary H. P. Ning, Curator and had a lengthy discussion on creation of Kuang Cao Ma, Chinese paintings and calligraphy, ancient inkstones and porcelains, the museum had assessed the Kuang Cao Ma painting “Heavenly Horse”. The library of Chinese University of Hong Kong indexed and assessed the book “The World’s Longest Scroll of One Hundred Horses in Chinese Ink Monochrome by Kwan Yan”. Also visited University Museum and art gallery, the University of Hong Kong and met Mr. Yeung Chun-Tong. The director and had in depth discussion concerning Chinese paintings, Kuang Cao Ma, landscape paintings, portraiture, Calligraphy, grass-script calligraphy being employed in painting, Kwan Yan’s poetry album and the inkstone studio collection of inkstones and ancient porcelains. The director congratulated Kwan Yan as multi talented and being a pioneer in Creative Arts and assessed the book, “The World’s Longest Scroll of One Hundred Horses in Chinese Ink Monochrome by Kwan Yan” and The Poetry Album by Kwan Yan for collection in the Museum. 
Chinese University of Hong Kong Art Museum  “Heavenly horses”             183×95 cm

2007Writing of “A Discussion of Horse Painting ,Kuang Cao Ma” by Kwan Yan and also another new book on the art of living harmonously a good life with the philosophy of Chinese paintings and calligraphy
2008President Ma Ying Jeou of Taiwan collected into his collection a grass-script parallel phrases “min zhu deng ta, jing ji ling hang” by Kwan Yan.
      In 2008 ,a big step forward over the peak was to bring the Art of Kuang Cao Ma to the international visual level, and integrate with Olympics Equestrian sports. In 2008 Beijing Olympics Equestrian sports took place in Hong Kong, Hong Kong became one of the organizing city with help of the Leisure & Cultural Services Department and the Hong Kong Tourism Board co-operated to introduce to overseas, Kwan Yan was honoured by being invited to display the magnificent scroll of one hundred horses in Chinese Ink Monochrome by Kwan Yan in the Shatin Town Hall just next to the Olympics Equestrian sports stadium. In addition there was a 7 meter long painting of Eight Dragon Horses in a group formation designed to send greetings to the Olympics Equestrian sports. There was a set of eight horses separately each caught in the action of one of the Equestrian sports event using Kuang Cao scripts. The gracefulness and the power were very well demonstrated using grass-script brush work. As a result the viewers of the paintings could have the good feelings of being able to take part in Olympic Equestrian sports and Arts intermingling in harmony was a real exciting event of the century.   

關大師與 香港政府衛生署助理署長陳慧敏醫生JPMaster Kwan Yan and DR. Chan wai man JP 

      Kwan Yan went further to elaborate personal views concerning Arts and sciences, the renaissance of Chinese paintings would becoming inevitable, when the conditions became mature. And in the process there would be the necessity of infusing elements of sciences into Arts, the creation of Kuang Cao Ma would testify to these point in strength.
      For those invited honourable quests each was presented a painting album of the Scroll of One Hundred Horses in Chinese Ink Monochrome by Kwan Yan, personally signed and sealed with the phrase “Hundred Jubilant Trotting Horses Welcoming The Olympic Equestrian Sports”. This was a limited publications the total number was 100, inside was a miniature replica of the original scroll of 100 horses 1/25 of original this limited edition was in hands of President Ma Ying Jeou, Taiwan, Mr. Lam Woon Kwong former Chief Executive Officer Government of HKSAR, now the chairman of Hong Kong Equestrian Sports company and chair man of organizing committee of the 29th Olympic Equestrian Sports in HK, Professor Napier Thomson, President of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians AUSTRALIA, Professor Eric P. Kindwall MD. The University of Wisconsin USA, MR. Yeung Chun-Tong the Director University Museum and Art Gallery The University of Hong Kong, Professor Peter Lam Yip Keung director Art Musem Chinese University of Hong Kong.
      Kwan Yan was most honoured by the arrival of Mr. Lam Woon Kwong, former chief Executive officer Government of Hong Kong Special Administration Region, who was chairman of Hong Kong Equestrian Sports Company and was the chief Executive of organizing committee of the 29th Olympic Equestrian Sports in HK.
      The honourable MR. Lam had enjoyed the exhibition and had very favourable comments.
      During exhibition many distinguished guests turned up and they included honourable citizens, celebrities of society, company executives, senior school administrators, media leaders, artists, connoisseurs and arts lovers.
Among them were MR. Kwan Wing Hong, Director and famous Architect in Hong Kong, DR. Chan wai man JP Deputy Director Health Services, Ms. Keren R. Seddon Director Townland Consultant Ltd , Sotheby’s company Ltd. MR. Marzo To , Dr. Lam Cheung Biu, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Cultural leader Mr. Leung Shan Yang, Travel leaders Director Mr. Harry Tang , Manager Mr. Freeman So, Mr. Shum Kai Wing Director, Mei Lik Enterprise Ltd. New House construction Co Ltd Managing Director Mr. Franco T. S. Hui, Dr. Mak Sin Ping JP Deputy Director Health Services, Dr. Lee Ka Yan David JP Director Rotary club, Dr. Lo Sze Ching Susanna Director Shatin Hospital, Professor Lam Tai Hing Head, Department of Community Medicine, the University of Hong Kong. Professor Lai Kar Neng. Department of Medicine, the University of HK. Representative of Leisure and Cultural services Department manager Lam Kar Woo.
During Open Ceremony, Kwan Yan with gratitude delivered a hearty speech of thanks.
During this exhibition in Hong Kong, the painting album “Kwan Yan’s scroll of 100 horses” was exhibited at the same time by Professor Napier Thomson in the President’s office of Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Sydney Australia which attracted much attention and admiration. Report and coverage had also occurred in specialized periodicals and famous Newspapers. The prominent achievement of this extra ordinary Artist in painting circle had attracted a lot of attention and approval.
The Leisure and Cultural Services Department assessed into collection the Kuang Cao Ma painting “Dragon horse flying over ten thousand miles” in Hong Kong.
關大師與扶輪社社長李家仁醫生JP   Master Kwan Yan and Dr. Lee Ka Yan David JP

The Organizing Committee of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing assessed into collection the Kuang Cao Ma painting “Arrival of Horse of Success” in Beijing, China.
Interview of the Artist conducted by famous Hong Kong Newspaper MING PAO in a special personal feature article entitled “Kuang Cao Ma painting and Lady Master Painter” and associated exhibition of “Olympics in Arts”2008.8.18MING PAO WEB SITE life. ming pao.com
This report had attracted the attention of all parties concerned

Hong Kong Newspaper MING PAO, Special Personal Feature Article : Olympics in Arts, Kuang Cao Ma Painting Lady Master Painter, the world’s longest Scroll of 100 Horses demonstrated that it was not just painting techniques the painter cultivated, it was the rich core of hard knowledge concerning horse, the Kuang Cao Ma strokes were the essence of Chinese Paintings. Capable of revealing the various characters and expressions of the horse.
WakipediaFirst pioneer painter in China.
Successfully carry the art of horse painting to the peak of the century. Culminating in a true fusion of Olympic Equestrian Sports and Arts of Chinese Paintings. Painting into Olympics.
2008香港康樂及文化事務署 收藏「龍騰萬里」
Hong Kong Leisure And Cultural Services Department     183×95 cm

2008 29屆奧林匹克運動會組織委員會
(北京奧組委) 收藏「馬到成功」 
2008 Bei jing Olympic Games Organizing  Committee  
150×93 cm  

2009Invited to join in the celebrations of 60th Anniversary of People’s Republic of china, blessing to home country, blessing to Hong Kong, The Grand Exhibition of Top 100 China Painters in Hong KongOrganizers included China Hong Kong Economic Trading International Association, China Calligraphy and Painting International Communication Center, and Wu Clan Association. Top 100 Painters were selected from provinces of all China to the most prestigious exhibition center in Hong Kong – The Hong Kong Cultural Center Tsim Sha Tsui. Distinguished guests included Representative of the Political Consultative conference Mr. Lan Hong Zhen, Mr. Wang Po Tao, Representative of Nation People’s Political Consultative Conference.
Ministry of Foreign affairs, Commissioner to Hong Kong office, vice-commissioner Mr. Kao Yu Sum. China Hong Kong Economic Trading International Association Chairman Mr. David C.T. Chan, Vice- Chairman Mr.Yin Man Hua, Director Mr. Liu Meng Xiong.
China Calligraphy and Painting International Communication Center chairman Mr. Zhang Shu Zhong. Hong Kong Hu Clan Association,Chairman Mr. Hu Chu,  Honorary chairman Mr. Hu Fa Guang, Honorary chairman Mr. Hu Xiao Ming, society leaders and celebrities, and corporation Directors, Kwan Yan’s MasterpieceDouble Pineswas elected the first Place. During the exhibition KwanYan freely communicated and exchanged views with other painters and received congratulations from distinguished quests. Representative of Political Consultative Conference China Mr. Wang Po Tao, being a friendly gentleman he toured the whole exhibition and studied very carefully and praised Kwan Yan’s painting and was delighted to take a photo with the master. Mr. Kao Yu Sum vice-commissioner to Hong Kong office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed a sincere welcome to Kwan Yan who came from Taiwan. China Hong Kong Economic Trading International Association Chairman Mr. David C.T. Chan had a very friendly chat with Kwan Yan speaking Cantonese and expressed a wish to invite Kwan Yan to take part in other national activities. Mr. Hu Chu, chairman Chan Clan Association, Director of Xin Guang Holding and Director of Hong Kong Equestrian Sports school, congratulated Kwan Yan being elected the first place he was very impressed by the Kuang Cao Ma and the magnificent painting, “Olympic Eight Heavenly Horses presenting augury.” China Calligraphy and Painting International Communication Center Mr. Chang Suk Chung expressedhearty welcome to this well known master Kwan Yan. Vice-Manager Mr. Zhang Lei Ming specially recommended the very high standard which is very rare. Hong Kong famous leading architect Mr. Kwan Wing Hong presented a giant flower trophy. Director of Hong Kong Institute of Public Health Professor Lam Tai Hing also presented a giant flower trophy and congratulated on the achievements. Deputy Director of Health Services Dr. Chan Wai Man JP was also present in the occasion and expressed the appreciation of Kuang Cao Ma and “Double Pines.” During this exhibition a magnificent giant piece 493cm×96cm “Olympic Eight Heavenly Horses presenting augury” , blessing to Hong Kong, blessing to home country, using Kuang Cao brush strokes to form a v-shaped formation, expressing victory and using Kuang Cao grass scripts to write poem in large scale resulting in a truly combination of poem calligraphy and painting in one master piece.

After exhibition it was most honourable that Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Mr. Hu Jin Tao accepted the Kuang Cao Ma painting “Flying up to the sky” , Representative of Political Consultative Conference China Mr. Wang Po Tao accepted the Kuang Cao Ma painting “Flying horse of good fortune”


香港大學公共衛生學院院長林大慶教授 Professor Lam Tai Hing

外交部駐港特派員公署副特派員高玉琛先生Mr. Kao Yu Sum

關仁以一幅「雙松圖 Double Pines從百位畫家中脫穎而出,名列首位。

全國政協四局文教處處長王波濤先生 Mr. Wang Po Tao

2009中國國家主席 胡錦濤先生收藏   狂草馬「一飛沖天」
Chairman of the People Republic of China Mr. Hu Jin Tao  150×93 cm
2009全國政協四局文教處處長 王波濤先生 
收藏  狂草馬「鴻運飛騰」
Representative of Political Consultative Conference China Mr. Wang Po Tao     145×93 cm

2010Invited by 北京君瀾時代文化傳媒Beijing jun lan TV Broadcasting Company to appear in the Interview of A Great Artist This was a interview of 50 leading Great Artists of China selected by team of experts to illustrate to the whole country their illustrious lives. This was a heroic project, programs being released in more than fifty local TV stations and by satellite TV stations including Shan Xi satellite TV to the world. CCTV Xiyou net.

Programs of interview, keywords:

She is the painter of the World’s Longest Scroll of 100 Horses in Chinese Ink.
She is the internationally famous horse painter of 21st century after Mas ter Xu Bei Hong of 20th century.
She is the creator of the Kuang Cao Ma—painting horse using Kuang Cao grass scripts.
She created the Dragon Horse—Heavenly Horses adored by Chinese.  To create using grass-scripts 100 lively horses.

She has interchangeable identities between medical doctor, painter, poet and connoisseur.
She is the first one in China painting world to bring to the international attention the art of Chinese horse painting.

2008 Beijing Olympic Equestrian Sports took place in Hong Kong, concurrently there is the official exhibition of Kwan Yan’s longest scroll of 100 horses in Shatin Town Hall just next to the just next to the Olympic Equestrian Sports Stadium. At the same time a replica (1/25 of original size) is also being exhibited in the President’s Office of Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Sydney, Australia.

Possessors of Kuang Cao Ma
Mr. Hu Jin Tao Chairman of the People’s Republic Of China.
Mr. Wang Po Tao National People’s political Consultative Conference
Professor Lothar Ledderose, the Institute of History of Arts, the University of Heidelberg, Germany
Professor Eric Kindwall University of Wisconsin U.S.A.
Professor Napier M. Thomson. President of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.
Famous HongKong Architect Mr. Kwan Wing Hong
Ms. Keren R. Seddon Director Townland Consultant Ltd
Taiwan President Ma Ying Jeou
Mr. Lam Woon Kwong, 2008 Beijing Olympic Equestrian Sports Chief Executive, Chairman of Hong Kong Equestrian Sports Company, former Chief Executive officer Government of Hong Kong Special Administration

Conclusion Remarks
Artist’s Artistic Achievements are clearly evident, turning from Medical to Artistic Field, the simultaneous achievements of Science and Art, the integration of Chinese and Western knowledge. Kwan Yan could utilize the good virtues of various schools, the merits of Chinese and western paintings, using more than 30 years of personal experience, evolved into a distinctive style using Chinese brush and ink wash, landscape painting elegant and possessing welcoming atmosphere of tranquility, portraiture painting harboring spirit of hermitic nature painting harbouring spirit of hermitic nature and with distinct touch of individual personality, Kuang Cao Ma is an elegant innovation and creation which is a rare event in painting history carrying the art of horse painting  to the summit of the century.
Bringing traditional painting techniques to state of perfection and often with extra touch of further innovations and advancements, adding more glory to traditional Chinese painting Kwan Yan’s devoted passion for Chinese painting and the heroic efforts spent on painting practice is very rare and precious. Her works have already earned the support and respect of experts, connoisseur, peoples of different walks of lives. It is most justly to show our respect and tribute to this Greast Master of Art.

Formerly I know your Kuang Cao Ma is famous in the world now I am overwhelmed by your spectacular landscape paintings.
I believe that this DVD will  attract enthusiastic attention because you are an authority and representative master in Taiwan region.

Approval of artistic achievements of Master Kwan Yan by Chinese Arts Authorities
China Art AssociationDiscoveries in ArtsEditorial board
You are proud to be the great mas ter possessing the most personal character mark, your works are highly representative of your own and possessing great influential capability producing great contribution for China Art World, and invite Kwan Yan to take part in Discoveries in Arts, Painting Album of two masters. Reflecting the Spirit of the World Expo Shanghai China Art Association proudly presentDiscoveries in Artsin an authorative attempt to show the greatness, thewidenessand the great depth of the great masters.
The goal is to Discover contemporary Arts perpectuating the Chinese Culture. Using greatcare from the view point of history, portray the tracks of development passing through time tunnel, extracting the genuine master pieces to present to the world now and to propagate to future.

Tian Jin People’s Art Publication Dongfangzhizi Editoral Board
Masters Kwan Yan is full expert both in Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, consequently was simultaneously both elected in the Historical Documental volumes in Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy and was the only one Chinese Painter elected bilaterally as Masters of the Orient in Chinese Painting and Calligraphy.”

Kwan Yan’s works are really overwhelming. Your artistic style is truly very rare. And it is very difficult to reach such a great height. And it is most pleasurable to view your works. 
DongfangzhiziInfluencing millions of people
Dongfangzhizi is official publication of Historial Documents in 2 volumes. Chinese Painting volume and Calligraphy volume. Published in 2011 by Tian Jin People’s Art Publication. It is a official compilation of great masters in Arts about 50 in number. An anthorative documentations of their activities, innovations achievements and contributions to the country.
This is an official celebration for the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China.

the China World Pictorial Publisher 世界知識出版社editorial board
Masters Kwan Yan has attained widely observable great achievements both in Calligraphy and Chinese Painting and has attracted wide attention overseas and at home. As a contemporary artist you have provided an extraordinary contribution to Chinese culture, therefore you are invited into be listed in China Doctrine Ten Great Masters of Contemporary Arts Field historical document.

2010 Masters Kwan Yan produced 2 giant scrolls

.Dragon Horses Nine Hermits rejoicing peace and prosperity     720cm×98cm

Like the glorious reigns of Han Wen Te and Jing Te,

Heavenly Horses Nine Hermits descend from celestial home.

With whinnying echo in the universe,

Their dragon heads strive to assure national order and stability.

Their skeletons andbones booster the national strength.

Red manes and tails herald peace and prosperity.

Millions of people join together enjoying welfare and happiness

Good name of nation will forever carry on through thousands of years.

Nine graceful heavenly Horses full of strength and energy appeared from various directions, galloping and trotting, hopping and jumping fully equipped with blessing and joy. Kuang Cao brush scripts miraculously create the lively images satisfying the eyes and the mind.

Assortment of one thousand words 狂草千字文 in Grass-scripts (Kuang Cao)  by Kwan Yan Long scroll 1433cm × 90cm   
Taiwan 書法教育Calligraphy Education monthly periodical March 2011 special coverage Mater Kwan Yan. Masters of the Orient in Chinese Painting and Calligraphy.
For the deep black purple ink luster and colour, specially use 徽州曹素功大好山水slab. Inkstone used is ancient 端硯, water submerged core stone with reddish purple multiple brush strokes like markings. Paper is安徽 high class hand made Xuan paper. In history nearly all great masters had attempted to writethis one thousand letter passage in various styles ofbrush strokes often in bound book form. Long Scroll in grass-script is very rare.
Using long Scroll in grass-script, the overwhelming cursive style, like flying clouds and running water whole passage is 1000 words in 117 rows, with no fault, all in one wholeness, with the illusion of a lively painting, looking from a far one can visualize galloping of ten thousand horses, or like the formation of a thousand flying cranes, or like inter locking of mountain ranges, or like overlapping trees and forests or like misty cloudy scenes, streams running wide in wilderness. Looking closely one could see the forceful swiftness and speed of brush strokes, every words in perfect shape, there is no clumsy brush shortcoming. Sometimes with force concentrating, sometimes with energy spreading, following the freewill of the mind, producing elegant strokes, broken and continuous, dry white streaky brush strokes is just like what 懷素 described: “First like the light fogperm eating among ancient pines, or like ten of thousands blade like mountains.”
The turning points of brush strokes producing the effects of crossing in enormous variations one dot, one stroke, here and there. Just like in 張長史’s words: “like the porters forcing their ways through crowd of people, like 公孫大娘 exercising sword, these is no sluggishness, full of beauty and imagination where brush pauses is just like hanging needle with dripping drops, or like splashing waterfall pouring from very tall cliff, whole passage is seen all in one whole formation harmoniously control of ink mix clearly reflect her closeness with the ancient masters.
Her marvelous extrapolations changing the beauties of limes and calligraphy into a form of visual stimulating and resonating art.

2011Tian Jin People’s Art Publication.
Dongfangzhizi Calligraphy volume
Dongfangzhizi Paintings volume
Published 2011 February.
Master Kwan Yan bilaterally listed in both historical volumes.
She is the only one doubly listed.
Ministry of foreign affairs the China World Pictorial Publisher 世界知識出版社China Doctrine Ten Great Masters of Contemporary Arts Field historical document. 2011 April published.
Master Kwan Yan is proudly listed.

China Arts Association, Ministry of Culture National 文化部
Published Nine Imperial Palace Masters of Arts
2011 October  
Masters Kwan Yan is proudly listed

Published the book “Kuang cao ma,
Innovator of Kuang cao ma Horse Painting with Grass-script Stroke in Chinese Ink Monochrome by Kwan Yan”
With publishing amount limited to 100.
Precedent Ma Ying Jeou accepted the book with the author’s signature, offered the comment.
“Kuang cao ma—Master piece in Chinese Painting”
The book was also indexed and assessed by The HK Chinese University library and The National Taiwan Normal University library and also the Chinese Art Exchanged Association in Beijing.
台灣總統馬英九先生收藏 鴻運連年  180cm × 92cm
2012 Art China Research Association in 2012.1 published two volumes
Master Kwan Yan is proudly listed in both volumes.
The China Culture Publishing House in 2012.9 published two volumes
Master Kwan Yan is proudly listed in both volumes.
Master Kwan Yan elected as
Director of Art China Research Association中國藝術研究會理事
Director of Chinese Art Exchange Association中國藝術交流協會理事

2012 Master Kwan Yan, held the Exhibition of  “Fu Chun Shan Sceneries hand scroll by Master Kwan Yan in year of the Dragon” and Exhibition of  “The origin of the Chinese Blue and white Porcelain”
on August 4th –Aughst 10th , at the First Floor Exhibition Hall of the The National Taiwan Normal University Library.
In this exhibition Master Kwan Yan introduced her opinion on the origin of the Chinese Blue and white porcelain as a ‘Y’ shape development line, of double origins from the under glaze brown (Weatern Jin Dynasty) and the under glaze blue (Tang Dynasty )

At the same year Published the book “The Origin of Chinese Blue and White Porcelain by Kwan Yan.
This book was indexed and assessed by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, University library
-Art Museum, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
-National Taiwan Normal University library
-Chinese Art Exchange Association, Beijing.

2013: Master Kwan Yan has been awarded “ The Most Influential Great Master of Art in the year 2012” Award by the Chinese Art Exchange Association for out standing contribution and achievements in traditional and Creative Chinese Art.

The Chinese Art Exchange Association published 2 volumes.
1.     China Art Circles Five Schools《中國藝壇五大流派》 2013.1
2.     The Art Circles in China Six Leading Masters 《中國藝壇六大先鋒人物》2013.10
Master Kwan Yan is proudly listed in both volumes.
The China Famous Arts Collection Association and Tian Jin People’s Art Publication published 2 volumes
Guang yao sheng shi -han mo jyu jiang光耀盛世-翰墨巨匠 Calligraphy volume
Guang yao sheng shi -han mo jyu jiang光耀盛世-翰墨巨匠 Painting volume
Published 2013.8
Master Kwan Yan bilaterally listed in both historical volumes. Sha is the only one doubly listed.

Master Kwan Yan is elected as for life Director of China Famous Arts Collection Association. 中國名家藝術品收藏協會理事
In the same year She joined in as member of China Association of Collectors. 中國收藏家協會會員
Master Kwan Yan Poetry, Calligraphy and PaintingFlying Horse of Fortune and Prosperity in the year of the Horse
Master Kwan Yan “Poetry calligraphy and painting The Goddess of the Moon”
Elected as one of the  “Leading Masters of Art in the world-wide Chinese Art Field” by the Chinese Art Exchange Association.
Master Kwan Yan is now the
Director of Art China Research Association
Director of Chinese Art Exchange Association
Director of China Famous Arts Collection Association

Member of China Association of Collectors